Weedding Tourism

What to expect on the village visit


The most memorable trip. Your trip to Tanzania!

Wedding Tourism is specialized and customized event that is organized in unique destination couples who want to merry, enter into engagement or  celebrate a marriage anniversary. Tanzania is endowed with amazing destination that offer a wide variety of serene and picturesque areas suitable for private wedding wedding events for tourist.
We offer a range of customized wedding packages for budge and luxury couples in exquite and specialy selevted destination. these  package include wedding events that that are staged in national parks or on slopes of mountain Kilimanjaro, Mount Meru and Udzungwa mountain .Other wedding package including wedding on the shore of lake dulute, Lake Natron, Manyara and Lake chala. 
we customize wedding in countryside farms and cottages like shangrila and Gibbs in karatu, makoa coffee farm in kilimanjaro and sisal farms in Tanga region  we have packages for eding events to be staged in historical caves like Elepahnts caves in Ngorongoro, Amboni Caves in Tanga, Manga pwani , Salama caves, matumbi Caves in near kilwa, kuya caves in Kondoa Irangi. 
We have designed special  wedding  packages in exotic beach resorts along the cost and marine parks in zanzibar , Mafia, Rubondo, island in Lake Victoria and historical areas. These packages can be staged in traditional and cultural setting with the participation of local people who provide traditional wedding dresses and perform traditional dances, rituals and other other buffers of organic local food and drinks.

Price Depends on number of people, kind of sport, location and season 

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Further reading


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